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Some Human Diseases with their Vaccine

Image for Human Diseases with Vaccines

List of Important Human Diseases caused by Virus and Bacteria along with Vaccine.

Disease Cause (Pathogen) Vaccine/Prevention
Poliomyelits Polio Virus Salk Vaccine and Oral Vaccine
Pneumonia Diplococcus Pneumoniae PCV13
Chickenpox (Varicella) Herpes Zoster Virus _
Diphtheria C diphtheriae DPT vaccine
Typhoid Salmonella typhi TAB Vaccine
Smallpox Variola Virus Smallpox vaccine
Measles (Rubella Virus) Rubella Virus measles mumps rubella Varicella combo (MMRV vaccine)
Tuberculosis M Tuberculosis BCG Vaccine
Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae BCG offers variable amount of protection against leprosy. lepromin skin test
Cholera Vibrio Cholerae Oral Cholera Vaccine
Mumps MumpsVirus Mumps vaccine, isolation
Tetanus Clostridium tetni ATS and DPT vaccines
Rabies (Hydrophobia) Rabies Virus Immunisation of Dogs

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