Recents in Beach

General Knowledge Quiz about US

Image For USA Quiz-1

Que.1 What are the two major parties in the US?
a) The Republicans and the Democrats.
b) The Republics and the Socialists.
c) The Democrats and the Socialists.
d) The Conservationists and the Democrats.
Ans: a

Que.2 How many states are there in the US?.
a) 49
b) 50
c) 51
d) 48
Ans: b

Que.3 What do Americans celebrate on July 4th?

a) Flag Day.
b) The Revolution.
c) The Discovery of America.
d) Independence Day.
Ans: d

Que.4 In which year was the independence from England declared?
a) 1776
b) 1876
c) 1676
d) 1778
Ans: a

Que.5 Which president freed the slaves?.
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) George Washington
c) Abrahan Lincoln
d) Henry Ford
Ans: c

Que.6 What organization tries to find solutions to world problems and disputes?
a) The United Nations
b) IMF
d) Green Peace
Ans: a

Que.7 What does IMF stand for?
a) International Monetary Foundation
b) International Monetary Fund
c) Internal Monetary Foundation
d) Internal Monetary Fund
Ans: b

 Que.8 Who said: 'We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal'?
a) Bill Clinton
b) George Washington
c) Richard Nixon
d) Thomas Jefferson
Ans: d

Que.9 Who is eligible for the Office of President?
a) Anyone whose children are American
b) Whoever served the army
c) A natural born citizen
d) An alien
Ans: c

Que.10 When was the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote ratified?
a) 1938
b) 1920
c) 1968
d) 1960
Ans: b

Que.11 Where's the White House located?
a) New York
b) Washington, D.C.
c) Houston
d) Europ
Ans: b

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