Recents in Beach

Environment Quiz

 Environment Quiz
1) The major pollutant from automobile exhaust is
a) NO
b) CO
c) SO2
d) Soot

2) The green house gases, otherwise called radioactively active gases includes
a) Carbon dioxide
b) CH4
c) N2O
d) All Of These

3) A high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates that :
a) water is pure
b) absence of mirobial action
c) low level of microbial pollution
d) high level of microbial pollution

4) Algal bloom results in
a) Global warming
b) Salination
c) Eutrophication
d) Biomagnification

5) The effects of radioactive pollutants depends upon
a) rate of Diffusion
b) energy releasing capacity
c) rate of deposition of the contaminant
d) all of these

6) The range of normal human hearing is in the range of
a) 10 Hz to 80 Hz
b) 50 Hz to 80 Hz
c) 50 Hz to 15000 Hz
d) 15000 Hz and above

7) The pollution which does not persistent harm to life supporting system is
a) Noise pollution
b) Radiation pollution
c) organochlorine pollution
d) all of these

8) Growing agriculture crops between rows of planted trees is known as
a) Social forestry
b) Jhum
c) agroforestry
d) Taungya system

9) The main atmospheric layer near the surface of earth is
a) Troposphere
b) Mesophere
c) Ionosphere
d) Stratosphere

10) Soap and Detergents are source of organic pollutants like
a) Glycerol
b) Polyphosphates
c) Sulphonated Hydrocarbons
d) All Of These

Answers :
1) b.
2) d.
3) d.
4) c.
5) d.
6) c.
7) a.
8) d.
9) a.
10) d.

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