Recents in Beach

Quiz on Legal aptitude-2

Quiz on Legal aptitude-2

1) Give another name for mercy killing
a) Euthanasia
b) Final exitc.
c) Murphy’s death
d) None of the above.

2) A prerogative writ used to command a person who is detaining another in custody to produce that person before the court.
a) Habeas corpus
b) Certiorari
c) Quo Warranto
d) Mandamus.

3) When a witness repeats ‘another person’s statement’, the evidence is called
a) Hearsay
b) Heresy
c) Secondary evidence
d) Presumptive evidence.

4) An order of the court directs a person to do something or refrain from doing a particular thing is called
a) Inhibition
b) Injunction
c) Intortunuim
d) Infans.

5) Innuendo hints at
a) Insuniation
b) Defamation
c) Slander
d) Libel.

6) One of the following cannot be taken as intellectual property
a) Patents
b) Copyright
c) Know-how
d) Discovery

7) The expression ‘dying intestate’ refers to
a) Dying without a penny
b) Dying heavily indebted
c) Dying without leaving a Will
d) Dying in midst of a legal transaction.

8) International Court of Justice has its seat at
a) Geneva
b) Hague
c) New York
d) London.

9) Jurisprudence is
a) Divine principles, followed by law
b) Logic of law
c) Study of old judgments
d) Philosophical aspects of law

10) A published account of legal proceedings, used by lawyers as basis for searching precedent is called
a) Law report
b) Journal
c) Digest
d) Commentary.

Answers :
1) .a
2) a.
3) a.
4) b.
5) b.
6) d.
7) c.
8) b.
9) d.
10) a

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