Recents in Beach


( 16 - 2- 2014)

Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate
1. The cause of learned helplessness in children is their
(A) non-compliance with expectations of their parents
(B) moral decision for not taking up studies seriously
(C) acquired behaviour that they will not succeed
(D) callous attitude towards classroom activities

2. If a student is consistently getting lower grades in school, her parents can be advised to help her by
(A) narrating her the hardships of life for those who do not possess proper education
(B) forcing her to work harder at home
(C) working in close association with teachers
(D) withholding mobile phones, movies, comics and extra time for play

3. Which of the following does not deter problem solving?
(A) Entrenchment
(B) Fixation
(C) Insight
(D) Mental sets

4. A teacher is connecting a text to the previously learnt text and showing children how to summarize it. She is
(A) reinforcing the importance of text from the assessment point of view
(B) encouraging children to mug it up as effectively as possible
(C) helping children to develop their own strategy to comprehend it
(D) insinuating that there is no need to go through the entire text

5. What kind of errors is common between a learner who is learning his mother tongue and the learner who learns the same language as a second language?
(A) Developmental
(B) Hypercorrection
(C) Overgeneralization
(D) Simplification

6. The stress affects performance in examinations. This fact reflects which of the following relationships?
(A) Performance-Anxiety
(B) Cognition-Competition
(C) Cognition-Emotion
(D) Stress-Omission

7. A teacher is trying to counsel a child who is not performing well after an accident. Which one of the following is most appropriate about counseling in schools?
(A) It is about giving the best possible advice to students about their future career options
(B) It can be done only by the professional experts
(C) It is about the palliative measures for making people comfortable
(D) It builds self-confidence of people by letting them explore their own thoughts

8. Which of the following would encourage the least a student who wants to become a highly creative theater artist?
(A) Devote your time to those theatrical skills that you find most enjoyable
(B) Read about the performances of the world's best theater artists and try to learn
(C) Try to win the State level competition that will ensure your scholarship
(D) Develop empathetic, amicable and supportive relationships with your peer theater artists

9. Which of the following theorists would be of the opinion that students study
hard for their personal growth and development?
(A) Skinner
(B) Piaget
(C) Bandura
(D) Maslow

10. Which of the following factors supports learning in a classroom?
(A) Sticking to one particular method of instruction to maintain uniformity
(B) Increasing the time interval of periods from 40 minutes to 50 minutes
(C) Increasing the number of tests to motivate children to learn
(D) Supporting the autonomy of children by the teachers

11. Mature students
(A) sometimes need emotional support in their studies
(B) do not get upset by studies in difficult situations
(C) believe that emotion has no place in their studies
(D) resolve easily all their conflicts with their intellect

12. A child coming to pre-school for the first time cries profusely. After two years when the same child goes to the primary school for the first time, he does not express his tension by crying rather his shoulder and neck muscles become tense. This change in his behaviour can be explained on the basis of which of the following principles?
(A) Development is different in different people
(B) Development is characterized by differentiation and integration
(C) Development proceeds in a sequential manner
(D) Development is gradual

13. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Experience does not influence brain development
(B) Intelligence remains unaffected by the schooling
(C) Genetic makeup impacts responsiveness of an individual to qualities of the environment
(D) Adoptive children possess same IQs as their adoptive siblings

14. In the progressive model of education as implemented by CBSE, socialization of children is done in such a way so as to expect them to
(A) prepare themselves to conform to the rules and regulations of society without questioning
(B) accept what they are offered by the school irrespective of their social background
(C) give up time-consuming social habits and learn how to score good grades
(D) be an active participant in the group work and learn social skills

15. Which of the following is based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory?
(A) Culture-neutral cognitive development
(B) Insight learning
(C) Operant conditioning
(D) Reciprocal teaching

16. A teacher says to her class, “As individual assignments are designed to help individual students learn more effectively, all students should complete assignments prescribed without any assistance.”She is referring to which of the following stages of Kohlberg's moral development?
(A) Pre-conventional stage 1 — punishment avoidance
(B) Pre-conventional stage 2 — individualism and exchange
(C) Conventional stage 4 — law and order
(D) Post-conventional stage 5 — social ,contract

17. Fourteen-year-old Devika is attempting to develop a sense of herself as a separate, self-governing individual. She is developing
(A) teenage arrogance
(B) maturity
(C) hatred for rules
(D) autonomy

18. In context of progressive education, which of the following statements is true according to John Dewey?
(A) Curiosity does not belong to the inherent nature of students rather it is to be cultivated
(B) Students should be observed and not heard in the classroom
(C) There should not be a place for democracy in a classroom
(D) Students should be able to solve social problems themselves

19. A disorder related to language comprehension is
(A) aspeechxia
(B) aphasia
(C) apraxia
(D) dyslexia

20. Following are the critical views about the ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligences’, except
(A) gifted students usually excel in a single domain
(B) it lacks of empirical support
(C) it is not research-based
(D) different intelligences demand different methods for different students

21. ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligences’ cannot be legitimized as it
(A) is based only on sound empirical studies done by Abraham Maslow throughout his life
(B) is not compatible with general intelligence ‘g’, which is most important
(C) is not possible to measure different intelligences as there are no specific tests
(D) does not place equal importance on all seven intelligences

22. The individual differences of students in a classroom are
(A) inexpedient as they reduce the speed of the curriculum transaction to the level of the slowest student
(B) advantageous as they lead teacher to explore a wider pool of cognitive  structures
(C) disadvantageous as teachers need to control a diverse classroom
(D) detrimental as they lead to students conflicts

23. School-based assessment was introduced, to
(A) motivate teachers to punctiliously record all the activities of students for better interpretation of their progress
(B) encourage schools to excel by competing with the other schools in their area
(C) decentralize the power of Boards of school education in the country
(D) ensure the holistic development of all the students

24. Which one of the following is not related to other options?
(A) Conducting quiz
(B) Modeling the skills of self-assessment
(C) Organizing question-answer sessions
(D) Taking feedback from students on a topic specified domain?
(A) Write down a new : Application recipe to cook chicken by using herbs.
(B) Determine which of the : Analyzing given measures would most likely lead to achieve best results.
(C) Could you group your : Evaluating students on the basis of their achievement in Mathematics?
(D) What was the turning : Creating point in the cricket match telecasted last night?

26. Which of the following is the most effective way to convey students from disadvantaged sections that you expect them to participate and succeed?
(A) Compare them with other children as frequently as possible to make them realize their goal
(B) Emphasize the point that you have high expectation of them
(C) Articulate your confidence in their ability to succeed
(D) Develop your own interest in the topics to be taught

27. Following are the examples of developmental disorder, except
(A) post-traumatic stress
(B) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(C) autism
(D) cerebral palsy

28. Multiple pedagogical techniques, assorted learning material, multiple assessment techniques and varying the complexity and nature of the content are associated with which of the following?
(A) Differentiated instruction
(B) Reciprocal teaching
(C) Universal design for learning
(D) Remedial teaching

29. Which of the following is true about gifted learners?
(A)They may achieve lower grades due to their heightened sensitivity
(B) Their importance is primarily due to their brainpower
(C) They make everyone else smarter and are essential for collaborative learning
(D) They always lead others and assume extra responsibility in the classroom

30. Inclusion in schools primarily focuses on
(A) meeting the need of the disabled child at the expense of entire class
(B) including the educational needs of illiterate parents in schools
(C) making subtle provisions for special category children
(D) fulfilling the needs of children with disabilities only


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