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Structured Settlement

Structured Settlement

 Structured Settlement

HELLO friends today I will tell you about structured settlement. Structured Settlements have been a favorite resolution in personal injury and wrongful death cases for the last three decades. To meet the needs of the individual and to the amount awarded to that individual, they can be a great plan for a lifetime of financial security in the wake of a tragedy. But  sometimes those needs change. When that happens, structured settlement owners have options on accessing their money more quickly. Now I will tell you the process of structured settlement.

Structured Settlement Process:

The process of issuing a structured settlement is a complicated one that results in a simpler, easier solution for someone who wins a case. If in a court proceeding a plaintiff is determined to be owed money, a structured settlement can be considered instead of a lump sum. Both sides work with a trained consultant to determine the amount of money and the needs to the plaintiff. The consultant then uses the money to purchase an annuity from a life insurance company.
The annuity is managed by a life insurance company separate from the at fault party. The money is thus protected from market fluctuations, recessions and all the other risks typically associated with investments. The plaintiff, in other words the person harmed, simply receives a scheduled series of payments for a set amount of time.
It’s a solution that many people take advantage of: Nearly $6 billion in new structured settlements are issued each year, according to the National Structured Settlements Trade Association.

How Structured Settlement Issuing Companies Work

Structured Settlements are used by courts in many different types of cases to replace or supplement income that was lost through the fault of someone else. Since they’re conducted through a third party, it also means someone doesn’t consistently need to associate with the person or entity that wronged them.

Structured Settlement Issuers:

  • Prudential
  • New York Life
  • Liberty Mutual
  • AIG
  • Chronovo
  • Berkshire Hathaway

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