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Administrative System of USA

Administrative System of USA 

Friends today we will discuss over the administrative system of USA. Hope you will enjoy this article as you will get lot of new things to know about United States Of America's administrative system. I will explain about American Constitution and its various salient features in this article. So lets begin

American Constitution and Government 

The American constitution is the constitution of the United States of America which was formed in 1787 following the American Revolution (1775-1783). The constitution was adopted in 1787 at the Philadelphia Convention and came into force in 1789. There are several salient features of the Constitution explained below:

Written Constitution : 

The American constitution is generally cited as a classic example of a written constitution. Infact it is the oldest among the existing written constitution of the world. It is contained of some 12 pages and consists of a preamble, 7 Articles and 27 amendments. 

Rigid Constitution:

Unlike british Constitution, the American Contitution is a rigid one. It can not be amended by the Congress in the same manner as the ordinary laws are made. It can be amended by the congress only by means of a special process provided by the Constitution of that purpose. Therefore, in the USA, there exists a distinction between a constitutional law and an ordinary law. Federal Constitution: USA is a federal state. In fact, the USA is the first and the oldest federal state in the modern world. It is a federal republic comprising 50 states (originally 13 states) and the District of Columbia. The constitution provides for division of powers between the federal (central) government and the state governments. It confers limited and specified powers on the Centre and vests the residuary powers in the states. Each state has its own constitution, elected legislature, governor and SC (supreme court).

Presidential Government:

Unlike the British Constitution, the American Constitution provides for the presidential form of government. The features of the American presidential system of government are given below:  (i) The American president is both, the head of state and the head of government. As the head of state he occupies a ceremonial position. As the head of government, he leads the executive organ of government.
(ii) The president is elected by an electoral college for a fixed tenure of four years.
(iii) President governs with the help of the Cabinet or a similar body called Kitchen Cabinet. It is only a advisory body and consists of non-elected departmental secretaries.
(iv) The president cannot dissolve the House of Representatives- the lower house of the Congress.

Separation of Powers:

the doctrines of separation of powers is the basis of the American constitutional system. The legislative, executive and judicial powers of the government are separated and vested in the three independent organs of the government.

Checks and Balance:

The system of checks and balances in the American Constitution is an outcome of the adoption of the principle of separation of powers. It enables each organ of the government to exercise partial control on others so that no organ becomes autocratic and irresponsible.

Supermacy of Constitution and Judicial Review:

The Amercan Constitution embodies the principle of hierarchy of laws. The written constitution is regarded as the highest law of the land.

Bill of Rights:

The American Constitution is the first constitution in the world to carry the Bill of Rights. It guarantee a large number of rights to the people of USA. It says that ino person is to be deprived of life, liberty and property without due process of law. These rights impose restrictions on the authority of the government.


Congress is the Federal Legislature of America. It is bicameral in nature, that is, it consists of two houses namely the Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate is the upper house while the House of Representative is the lower house. The Senate consists of 100 members . 2 being elected from each state for fixed six year. The House of Representative consists of 435 members elected from single member constituencies for a fixed two year term.

That’s it. Hope you enjoy this article friends. I will be back with new article soon. Keep visiting my blog for more updates…. Thanks….😊