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Adsense Technical Terms

AdSense Technical Terms : CTR, CPC, CPM

google adsense technical terms

                    Hello friends! Today's article is about the google adsense. i will define terms that are usually used in google adsense. Also I will tell you how we can earn money through google adsense. As everybody knows google is the giant of internet. Nothing is hidden from him. As google provides us best platform of knowledge. But there is also another thing that is providing by google also to us. That is an opportunity to earn money through it. There are lots of ways to earn money online as via online books selling, content writing, digital marketing etc. Google have millions of advertisers who spending money for their advertising over the internet. Google provides us a part of it in the form of earnings. We can earn $100 to $200 dollars per day if we have sound knowledge over good niche and have good traffic.

                 There are few terms that we must know about the Google Adsense that are used in Google's adsense program. If you are blogger and working on blog you must know about google adsense policies. Your content must be comply with their use of terms and policies. If your content does not comply with their terms of conditions and policies, resultantly your adsense account will get suspended or may be permanently disabled. So be careful when you working with Adsense.
            One time my account also got suspended due to violation of their policies. but that time i was unfamiliar with their Terms of Conditions and Policies. But after reading their policies I got everything and now I am working with complying their terms of condition and policies. Everybody learn from experience but if you know about bad experience you can easily avoid it and can retain you in good position.
            By the way its time to define some terms which are used in google adsense. I will let you know one bye one in the following:
          AdSense:- adsense means when you put ads on your website or blog. Which type of blog platform you are using, its doesn't matter at all e.g blogger, wordpress etc. Adsense works same for all platforms. 
           CTR: CTR stands for Click Through Rate. It means if we divide number of clicks by number of impressions and multiplied them with 100 then we get CTR. Let me explain with simple example: suppose there are 5 clicks and 100 impressions. Then your CTR will be 5 /100 * 100= 5%.
           CPC: CPC stands for Cost per Click. It is the earning we get every time whenever anyone clicked on our ad.
           CPM: CPM stands for Cost Per 1000 Impressions. It is another way of earning. Many advertisers choose this way of spending money. They pay on each 1000 impressions. And they pay each time when their ads appear on site. These were some terms that we must know before starting work with Google AdSense. When we do not know about something, We can not earn something from that also. So it was brief introduction.
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          Thanks for reading this article. Hope you enjoyed it. If you like this article and considers useful please invite your friends also and share with them. I will be back with new article as soon as possible. Please ask if any doubt over anything. You can do comment under comment box given below. Thanks Friends😊

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